Universal Access Tools, Guidelines and Manuals
from Challenge TB, TB CARE I, TB CAP and partners
from Challenge TB, TB CARE I, TB CAP and partners
This comprehensive manual is designed to help busy people generate enough information about stigma issues to design and monitor and evaluate stigma reduction efforts. This manual is not for academics or theorists, but for health workers, professional or management staff, people who advocate for those with TB, and all who need to understand stigma and respond to TB stigma. (KNCV 2018)
The Union’s online training course in Childhood TB for Healthcare Workers can be completed independently, but also facilitated for a group of learners. This package of files has been developed in recognition of this need, and to strengthen both local relevance as well as knowledge transfer that are pragmatic and locally relevant, with the ultimate aim of improving the management and prevention of TB in children.
ScreenTB – target prioritization and strategy selection for tuberculosis screening (active case finding). This tool is a part of the WHO guidance on planning and implementation of systematic screening for active TB.
Le 2016 guide s’adresse les agents de santé qui prennent en charge les enfants malades dans les structures de soins de premier niveau ou dans un cadre ambulatoire à tout niveau des soins de santé, et les employés du PNT qui prennent en charge les enfants dans le cadre de leur travail au sein du PNT. Le guide a pour objectif d’améliorer, la précocité et la précision du dépistage des cas de TB infantile, la prise en charge de l’enfant tuberculeux et son résultat, et le dépistage et la prise en charge des enfants en contact avec un cas de TB. Le guide se centrera sur le diagnostic des formes communes de TB chez l’enfant, comment traiter, quand orienter, et la prise en charge des enfants en contact étroit avec des cas de TB.
This 2016 guide is for health workers who manage sick children in first level health facilities or outpatient settings at any level of care, and NTP workers who manage children as part of NTP work. It aims to improve early and accurate case detection of children with TB, the management and outcome of children with TB, and child contact screening and management. It focuses on the diagnosis of common forms of TB in children, how to treat, when to refer, and the management of children who are close contacts of TB cases.(Union 2016)
L’objectif consistant à réduire à zéro le nombre de décès dus à la tuberculose chez les enfants est à portée de main. Sa réalisation exige un travail soutenu de sensibilisation, un engagement fort, la mobilisation de nouvelles ressources et un effort commun de la part de toutes les parties concernées par la santé des enfants et la lutte contre la tuberculose. La présente feuille de route décrit les principales interventions à mener et les investissements supplémentaires à consentir pour combattre la tuberculose de l’enfant.
The goal of reaching zero TB deaths among children worldwide is within our grasp. Achieving this requires sustained advocacy, greater commitment, mobilization of increased resources and a joint effort by all stakeholders involved in providing health care for children and in TB control. This roadmap indicates key actions and the enhanced investment urgently needed to tackle childhood TB.
QUOTE TB Light is a management tool to help National TB Programs assess the quality of TB services through the eyes of the patient. The assessment results give a clear indication of the issues that need to be addressed and can be used to develop interventions and set benchmarks for improving TB services. The package is a four day Quote TB Light Assessment workshop to build capacity and to get buy-in from the interviewers and responsible people at the national, provincial and district levels. The training course contains a curriculum, facilitator and participant manual, certificate and report template.
Current and consistent guidance is important in the development and implementation of policy and practice for improving the management of children with TB and of children living in families with TB. Children are increasingly recognized as important in the widening global Stop TB Strategy, launched in 2006, revised in 2012 and now being revised for beyond 2015. This document is targeted at national TB programmes, paediatricians and other health workers in low- and middle-income countries.
Brochures and information on the subject of Childhood TB from Viet Nam.
This toolkit has been developed to assist in formulating a NSP. Its various components were assembled to help the NTP managers and all stakeholders involved in the management of TB programmes develop new NSPs or improve the existing ones based on the procedures described across five key elements.
This is a training toolkit to combat childhood TB. The training focuses on building the capacity of health care workers at the primary and secondary level to address and manage TB in children. (2014)
This compendium is for the use of national TB program staff in high burden settings who are trying to identify strategies to reach at-risk and vulnerable communities more effectively it contains very summarized descriptions of over 120 approaches to reach and serve at-risk and vulnerable populations, and links to over 650 tools and reference materials.
TB CAP in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross, published the 3rd edition of guidelines for the control of TB in prisons. This edition dedicates an entire chapter on TB-IC measures recognizing the opportunity to scale-up TB Infection Control in congregate settings. (KNCV, ICRC, MSH, FHI360 – 2009)
This document is intended for those dealing with tuberculosis and HIV at all levels in HIV-prevalent and resource-constrained settings. It is intended to assist development of national policies to improve the diagnosis and management of smear-negative pulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis. (WHO 2017)
The aim of the NSA is to collect and collate information on all aspects of Public and Private Mix (PPM) for TB care and control in the country, and to facilitate the use of this information to assist the systematic implementation of PPM. After the NSA is completed, the program should be able to answer the questions when and where PPM should be implemented and what inputs are needed in order to do so. (WHO 2007)
This comprehensive literature update shows the need to identify, implement and evaluate innovative strategies to improve TB detection and shorten the pathway to TB diagnosis and treatment for men and women at both local and national levels. Action-oriented research is required to optimize these strategies. (KNCV/CDC – 2010)
The PPM Toolkit contains 14 generic tools: Rational and Generic Approach, NSA , Operational Guidelines, Advocacy and Communication, M&E, ISTC, Resources and Budgeting Engagement of: Private Practitioners, Hospitals, NGOs, Workplaces, Social Security Organizations, TB/HIV Collaboration, PMDT. (WHO/Stop TB – 2010)
This guide is designed to aid health care workers working in district and regional hospitals in resource-limited settings in preventing, diagnosing and treating TB in HIV-infected children and it aims to address the common management problems. The document is also for managers and staff of national TB and HIV control programmes. (WHO/The Union 2010)
This document encompasses the module and toolkit for TB advocacy at decentralized level, with a chapter on the rationale for the development of the module, along with objectives, target group and follow-up. The second chapter covers the preparation and implementation of the module in context, and the last chapter has related exercices. (KNCV – 2009)
Practical guidance on how to ensure effective data collection and management, and how to monitor and evaluate PPM.
The Handbook for Using the International Standards for TB Care (the Handbook) presents suggestions and guidance, based mainly on country-level experiences, for using the ISTC as a tool to foster and guide the delivery of high-quality care by all practitioners providing TB services.
The ISTC Training Modules are educational resource tools, developed to assist in the incorporation of the ISTC into training courses and curricula on tuberculosis.
The ISTC Training Modules are educational resource, developed to assist in the incorporation of the ISTC into training courses and curricula on tuberculosis.
The International Standards for Tuberculosis Care (ISTC) describes a widely accepted level of care that all practitioners, public and private, should seek to achieve in managing patients who have, or are suspected of having, TB. The Standards are intended to facilitate the effective engagement of all care providers in delivering high-quality care. This is the third edition published in March 2014.
L’objectif des Standards internationaux pour le traitement de la tuberculose (SITT) consiste à décrire un niveau de soins largement accepté que tous les praticiens, tant du secteur public que privé, doivent essayer de réaliser avec la prise en charge des malades qui ont ou sont soupçonnés d’avoir la tuberculose. Les Standards ont pour but de faciliter l’enga- gement effectif de tous les dispensateurs de soins pour assurer des soins de haute qualité à tous les patients.
La Finalidad de las Normas Internacionales para la Asistencia Antituberculosa (NIAA) es describir un nivel asistencial ampliamente aceptado que todos los profesionales, tanto públicos como privados, intentarán lograr cuando traten a los pacientes que sufran tuberculosis o se sospeche que pue- dan padecerla. Las Normas pretenden facilitar la participación eficaz de todos los proveedores de atención en la prestación de asistencia de gran calidad a pacientes de cualquier edad.
The International Standards for Tuberculosis Care (ISTC) describes a widely accepted level of care that all practitioners, public and private, should seek to achieve in managing patients who have, or are suspected of having, TB. The Standards are intended to facilitate the effective engagement of all care providers in delivering high-quality care.
A systematic literature review, which addresses the question: ‘What is the acceptability of community- based or mass TB screening in non-health care settings as compared with passive case finding in settings with an estimated prevalence of all forms of TB above 100/100,000 in the 2000-2011 period?’. (KNCV – 2012)
This document contains an overview of what constitutes a patient-centered approach, what TB CARE I is doing to make care more patient-centered, a summary of the TB CARE I patient-centered approach tools, and the results of several country experiences.
This booklet introduces and explains the concepts behind the Patient Centered Approach.
The Patients’ Charter for Tuberculosis Care (The Charter) outlines the rights and responsibilities of people with tuberculosis. It sets out the ways in which patients, the community, health providers (both private and public), and governments can work as partners in a positive and open relationship with a view to improving tuberculosis care.
Effective and simple are needed to assess the technical and interpersonal aspects of the quality of services at the interface between health staff and patient. QUOTE-TB is just such a standardized tool for patient interviews, which capture patient perspectives and which can be used by National TB Program staff to improve the quality of TB services and stay accountable to TB patients.
QUOTE TB Light is a simplified application of the original QUOTE TB tool. It includes the same components as the original tool but is revised as a “ready to use” package including standardized instruments for application, which make it more practical to use in all TB programs.
The QUOTE TB Light Booklet is part of a simplified application of the original QUOTE TB tool and part of the Quote TB Light Package above.
Toman’s Tuberculosis remains essential reading for all who need to learn more about every aspect of tuberculosis case-finding, management, and effective control strategies. It provides invaluable support to anyone in the front line of the battle against this disease, from program managers to policy-makers and from medical personnel to volunteer health workers.
Pendant plus de deux décennies, le livre de Kurt Toman, Dépistage, chimiothérapie et surveillance de la tuberculose : questions et réponses, a fait autorité comme base rationnelle du diagnostic et du traitement de la tuberculose. Peu d’ouvrages scientifiques restent utiles aussi longtemps, tout particulièrement en cette ère de développement rapide des connaissances.
Туберкулез выявление, лечение и мониторинг по К.Томену
Вопросы и ответы ВТОРОЕ ИЗДАНИЕ
This wall poster clearly shows the 6 main indicators for the ‘Quality Assessment of Chest Radiography
This manual gives guidance for the X-Ray reading in TB Suspects and provides a useful tool for better diagnosing of smear-negative TB in adult TB suspects.
This document sets out basic principles for prioritizing risk groups and choosing a screening approach. It also emphasizes the importance of assessing the epidemiological situation, adapting approaches to local situations, integrating TB screening into other health-promotion activities, minimizing the risk of harm to individuals, and engaging in continual monitoring and evaluation. It calls for more and better research to assess the impact of screening and to develop and evaluate new screening tests and approaches.
Fotovoces permite una mirada humana a la TB, desde los propios afectados, a través de fotografías que expresan emociones y percepciones de las circunstancias que rodean a un enfermo de TB. Es un herramienta que cambia la mirada sobre la enfermedad, posibilitando que sean escuchadas las percepciones de los afectados, que de otra manera no saldrían a la luz, abriendo nuevos espacios de intervención y colocando en el lugar preponderante que merece y requiere el debate y la concientización sobre la TB en la República Dominicana bajo un proyecto participativo y libre.
The purpose of this document is to capitalize on the untapped potential of the business sector to respond to these two epidemics. Built on the 2003 guidelines on contribution of workplaces to TB control prepared jointly by the ILO and WHO, these guidelines should help capitalize on increased awareness about TB and HIV and their impact on businesses, and strengthen partnerships between national TB programmes, national HIV programmes, and the business sector to improve TB and HIV prevention, treatment and care activities.
These audit forms and the mortality audit entry tool accompany the lessons from Loss guide above.
This WHO policy document was prepared to guide national TB program staff and all agencies and organizations involved in TB prevention, care and control to establish strategies for sound TB contact investigation practices.
By addressing barriers and reasons for delay to timely diagnosis and treatment by the NTP, costs to TB patients (particularly among the poor) can be effectively reduced. The Poverty Sub-Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership decided to develop a tool which can assist TB programs to estimate the costs of TB patients before and during diagnosis and during treatment by the NTP.
A patient-centered package containing 5 tools, such as Quote TB Light, The Patients Charter, The TB Literacy Toolkit and more.