M&E, OR and Surveillance, Guidelines and Manuals
from Challenge TB, TB CARE I, TB CAP and partners
from Challenge TB, TB CARE I, TB CAP and partners
The purpose of the publication is to guide health workers especially at facility and district levels in collection, analysis and use of routine TB data to strengthen their own services. It should improve the quality of the data since routine use of collected data should increase the motivation for quality and includes updated definitions and explains how to use rates and percentages. The principles of TB control are translated into key questions that the data should talk to and a list of key indicators to measure.
This checklist was developed to assess a national surveillance system’s ability to accurately measure TB cases and deaths and to identify gaps in national surveillance systems that must be addressed in order to improve TB surveillance. The results of national assessments using the checklist can be used to identify which countries have surveillance systems that already provide an accurate measure of the number of TB cases and deaths that occur each year, and to define the actions necessary to strengthen surveillance in countries in which gaps are identified.
This guide to M&E has been developed to assist in the management of TB and HIV/AIDS programs that are implementing or planning to implement collaborative TB/HIV activities. It is intended to facilitate the collection of standardized data and help in the interpretation and dissemination of these data for program improvement.
The main purpose of this guide is to describe and explain how to design, implement and analyse an inventory study to measure TB under-reporting. The guide also explains how to apply capture-recapture methods to estimate TB incidence, emphasizing the conditions that must be fulfilled for these methods to be used.
The handbook shows how to use various data sources, presents existing tools to analyse the quality of data and describes methods to estimate the burden of TB and related trends. It is aimed at national TB programme managers, monitoring and evaluation officers, researchers including epidemiologists and statisticians, and staff working with technical, financial and development agencies.
In order to ensure that adequate capacity exists to meet the increasingly stringent M&E requirements, this course was designed to build the capacity of M&E Officers of NTPs and technical partners. This course has three over-arching themes. They are to avoid, detect, and fix data quality problems. These three themes seamlessly map onto the three tracks of our TB work, which is to prevent, diagnose, and treat TB.
This report focuses on the reported mortality among TB patients in five African countries and progress in ensuring the survival of vulnerable TB patients, particularly dual diagnosed TB/HIV patients.
This guide provids practical advice for countries planning to introduce electronic recording and reporting systems, or to enhance existing systems. It is intended for people likely to be involved in the design and implementation of electronic recording and reporting systems for TB care and control such as NTP Managers, Procurement Officers, legal Officers, Project Managers, Software Developers, Health Information System Managers, Consultants and Technical Agencies.
The Stop TB Department (STB) of the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with technical partners, embarked upon a revision of the TB recording and reporting (R&R) system to align the forms and registers to the new Stop TB Strategy. The revision facilitates the monitoring of the 6 components and 18 sub-components of the Stop TB Strategy, which itself was developed to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
Le Département Halte à la tuberculose de l’OMS a entrepris, en collaboration avec des organismes techniques partenaires, une révision du système d’enregistrement et de notification des cas de tuberculose afin que les formulaires et les registres soient conformes à la nouvelle stratégie Halte à la tuberculose. Ces nouveaux formulaires et registres permettent de contrôler plus facilement les 6 éléments et des 18 sous-éléments de la stratégie Halte à la tuberculose, qui a été mise au point en vue d’atteindre les objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement.
El Departamento de Alto a la tuberculosis de la OMS, en colaboración con socios técnicos, emprendió una revisión del sistema de registro y notificación (R&N) con el objetivo de alinear las formas y los registros a la nueva estrategia Alto a la tuberculosis. La revisión facilita el monitoreo de los seis componentes y veinte subcomponentes de la Estrategia de Alto a la tuberculosis, la cual se desarrolló para ayudar a alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio.
This guide for monitoring the incidence of TB disease among healthcare workers addresses issues such as stigma and work discrimination, and also provides practical recommendations on how to establish an effective monitoring system. This document is the result of years of operational research as well as debates and discussions organized by the WHO and TB CARE partners.
It has been proven that in many settings the burden of TB is higher among healthcare workers (HCWs) than among the general population. It is very important to prevent the transmission of TB in facilities, thereby preventing TB among HCWs.